Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a medical condition causing inflammation of the skin with generalised  dryness ,itching and rash.


Atopic dermatitis doesn’t have a specific cause but can be an outcome of an elaborate interaction between environmental and genetic factors including the immune system.

Who gets atopic dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis can occur in all age groups but is mostly seen in infants and children.

Signs and Symptoms 

  • Red and dry patches on the skin.
  • Rashes may have blisters which can ooze fluid or bleed at times.
  • Intense itching with raw areas
  • Thickening or hardening of the skin can be seen
  • Cracking with crusting of the skin can occur.
  • Scaling can be seen in chronic conditions.

These patches can vary in sizes and locations as they can appear anywhere on the body or reappear on the same area as before.


Preventive measures 

  • Awareness – One should properly be informed by their respective dermatologist about this condition because proper education leads to effective treatment
  • Irritants- You need to avoid trigger factors which can directly irritate your;- chemicals, fabrics , strong soaps and detergents, etc. Use lukewarm water for bathing and avoid hot water long baths. Choose skin products which are free from chemicals, alcohol, scents ,dyes, etc
  • Psychological support-This condition may affect the person psychologically so counselling can be considered.


Topical treatment

  • Use of emollients and ceramides in the form of moisturisers 2-3 times a day will help to keep your skin hydrated. Try to keep your skin moist as dry skin may worsen your symptoms.
  • Mild steroids are the mainstay of the treatment. You need to use them correctly for effective results.
  • Coal tar will help in the case of thick, scaly atopic dermatitis
  • Wet wraps can be used in case of inflamed, red dermatitis.


Oral treatment

  • Antihistamines are given to control itching
  • Antibiotics in-case of secondary infections are prescribed.
  • Systemic steroids are given to quickly resolve the flare
  • Immunosuppressants are prescribed when needed in long term control of severe disease

Book Appointments


1st floor,Flat No 11, Disha Apartment, PARIHAR chowk, above GoColors and Saalim Salon, opp. Bajaj finance, Sanghvi Nagar, Ward No. 8, Aundh Gaon, Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra 411007



095183 80486