

Rosacea is a chronic  skin condition characterised by persistent redness, flushing, inflammation and at times pimples or pustules. It is usually seen on the face and rarely affects the eyes.

Rosacea isn’t contagious and is different than acne but can be embarrassing for some people.

It is mostly seen in adults at the age 30-60 and occasionally in children. Both men and women are equally affected


  • Hereditary: This condition usually has a positive family history
  • Immune system: One’s immune system reacts to a certain bacteria  in a specific manner. This reaction may lead to rosacea. 
  • Pylori infection: This bacterial infection of intestines may be a cause which is mostly seen in patients with rosacea
  • Mites: Some people with rosacea have a mite called ‘demodex’ living on the surface of the skin can be a possible reason for this condition.
  • A normal protein which protect the skin called ‘cathelicidin’ may cause redness and swelling.

Clinical Features:

  • Blushing or flushing can be seen on the face especially on the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead.
  • Tiny blood vessels can be seen visibly seen on the skin.
  • Constant redness on the face.
  • Small, red bumps on the face that may be filled with pus 
  • Stinging or burning sensation on the face with oversensitive skin.
  • Dry flaky skin may be seen which would be intolerable to skin products like sunscreen, lotions, etc.
  • Irritation with swelling of nose and blood shot eyes may or may not be seen.


  • Avoid the trigger factors-Common trigger factors include alcohol, spicy food, cosmetic products, certain fruits or vegetables, weather, exercise or medications.
  • Avoid rubbing of the face or applying of any kind of cosmetics.
  • Use a mild or gentle skin care regime.
  • Topical antibiotic creams, gels, lotions and oral medications are recommended to reduce the redness, swelling and bumps on the face.
  • Eye drops can relieve eye symptoms.
  • Laser treatment including intense pulse light is given for visible blood vessels and redness.

Book Appointments


1st floor,Flat No 11, Disha Apartment, PARIHAR chowk, above GoColors and Saalim Salon, opp. Bajaj finance, Sanghvi Nagar, Ward No. 8, Aundh Gaon, Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra 411007



095183 80486