Skin Conditions In Pregnancy

During pregnancy the woman’s body undergoes a lot of changes. These changes are seen in sex hormones, immune system, cardiovascular system which later shows changes in the skin.

Common Skin Conditions Are:


  • There is darkening of the skin in some areas like underarms, genitals, etc. because of increased melanin production. Melanin is a pigment which gives color to your skin and this pigment increases during pregnancy.
  • In treatment, we generally prescribe moisturizers and sunscreen with topical application of skin whitening creams and ointments.


  • Melasma presents itself as brown- colored irregular areas of pigmentation with well-defined margins in symmetry particularly on the face specially on the cheeks, forehead and nose. It is caused due to increased production and deposition of melanin pigment.
  • Sunscreen is a must for any kind of pigmentation especially melasma. Once the pregnancy and delivery is completed you can treat it with appropriate anti-melanin creams, ointments and antioxidants.


  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy increases the oil production which results into acne.
  • Topical antibiotic creams and ointments are prescribed.

Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP):

  • This condition is characterized by pale, red bumps with itching. The size of the bumps can range from very small to quite large size. They can be seen on the stomach, legs, buttocks, arms, etc.
  • Treatment includes anti-itching tablets and application of soothing agents.

Stretch marks:

  • These marks which are seen on the abdomen are due to expansion of the middle layer of the skin during pregnancy. This scarring takes place due of weight gain during pregnancy and sudden weight loss after delivery.  This inhibits the formation collagen and elastin, reduces the elasticity of the skin and keeps the skin tight. They are initially red or purple in color and later turns silver or white gradually with time.
  • Treatments include exercise, massage, application of oils, creams and non-invasive procedures like exfoliation through MDA and lasers. Though we can not fully assure that the stretch marks would fade but in some cases certain things may help.

Varicose veins:

  • Varicose veins are enlarged and bulging veins in the lower extremity. They are caused due to extra blood which is pumping, increased stretching of the collagen and extra pressure which the baby exerts on the major blood vessels that connects to the lower extremity.
  • You need to avoid prolong standing and are advised to wear branded stockings. Maintain a lateral position while sleeping, and leg elevation is another important posture which one needs to follow. They mostly disappear after giving birth to the baby.

Skin tags:

  • A skin tag is a tissue outgrowth coming out from the skin’s surface. Its mostly seen on the neck, chest, back and under the breasts.
  • For skin tags one can get them removed  post-delivery with the help of lasers under local anaesthesia.

Book Appointments


1st floor,Flat No 11, Disha Apartment, PARIHAR chowk, above GoColors and Saalim Salon, opp. Bajaj finance, Sanghvi Nagar, Ward No. 8, Aundh Gaon, Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra 411007



095183 80486