Iron is an important nutrient which is required for various vital functioning of the body. Iron is needed for the production of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells which carries pure and oxygenated blood from the lungs to the entire body. It is also needed for production of hormones and supports your immune system.

Though spinach has thought to be one the greatest source of iron there are other foods too which contain ample of iron content and are tasty too!

Let’s list them:

  1. Whole grains: Millets, quinoa, oats, brown rice all contain iron. Consuming them at least once a day can help you with your iron deficiency.
  2. Chicken and sea food: Including chicken, clams, oysters, shellfish regularly in your diet will ensure your hemoglobin levels stays above average. They will also increase your protein, omega 3 fatty acids levels in the body.
  3. Nuts and dried fruits: Pistachios, cashew nuts, almonds in nuts, and dried prunes, apricots are a rich source of iron. You can carry and have them as a small snack easily, be it anywhere!!
  4. Legumes: Legumes like lentils, peas, chickpea, soyabean are not only high in protein and fiber but also loaded with iron. Daily consumption of them in our diet proves to be really helpful for any  kind deficiencies.
  5. Seeds: When we talk about seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds when consumed on a day to day basis provide us with iron along with vitamin A, calcium, magnesium and phosphate. They are said to be pocket power packs filled with energy.
  6. Dark chocolate: Last but not the least, Chocolates!!

Who said chocolates only contain calories and no health benefits. Sources of iron can also be exciting and delicious. So yes you heard it right, eating chocolate after every meal in a controlled manner limitedly can add to your iron reserves and may help you combat your iron deficiency and elevate your mood.